Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Second "First" Bath

Well, Kelly and I got a video camera for Christmas, and this is my first attempt at editing and uploading a video. It seems to be taking forever to upload, so I am not sure if it is going to work or not. Anyway, this is video from the second real bath we gave the kids. I took pictures of the first bath, but my memory card was corrupt or something and I couldn't access the pictures, so here is a little video montage.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Well, we sure did have a good Christmas. The babies weren't too into it, but that was to be expected. They got lots of cool stuff, including their stockings from Grandma G.

Here they are surrounded by some fo the stuff they received.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

With a little snow on the ground and only a week and a half to go until Christmas is here it's not only starting to look like Christmas, but feel like Christmas too. Our children are now just about 3 weeks old and so last night we did what any normal parents of 3 week old twins does and we went to the
mall to get pictures taken for Christmas. Here is just a preview of the shots that we got. We were at the photo studio for a couple of hours, but the kids did great. Plus, it was like our first big outing, and it felt good to be out doing something a as family. Enjoy the pictures.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The Twins at Home

SO, after ten days in the NICU our son got to come home. The twins were reunited, and as you can tell from this first picture Rachel wasn't too impressed. We have had our moments with the two of them, but for the most part they are very well behaved, and they let us sleep which is very nice.
Here they are at our first family dinner. My mom, Lynn, and Mark brought Chinese food over for all of us, Kelly and I and the Kimballs. It was a great time, and the kids just sat in their bouncers and hung out.
Here they are sleeping, or at least they are supposed to be sleeping. You can see Rachel was awake and staring at Caleb, but she didn't wake him up. They are just too cute. We just want to say thank you to everyone who has been praying for us, we really appreciate it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Finally...the kids are here

I thought everyone might like to see Kelly at 37 weeks pregnant. This picture was taken just two weeks before the birth of our kids.
So, here they are. They just seemed to stare at each other that first night.
Caleb Paul Biggins was born at 8:56 pm on November 23. He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20.4" long. He did make it out first, so he will always be a big brother.
He may be the big brother, but his sister, Rachel Lynn Biggins, who was born just a minute later was definitely bigger than him. She weighed 8 lbs 5 oz and was 20.5" long.
It's been a long week. We got to take Rachel home on Thanksgiving, but Caleb had to stay at the hospital. If all goes well December 5th will be the day that he gets to come home, so only 4 more days. If you can't tell, I was kind of a wreck in the NICU, it's just hard to be separated from our son and watch him go through all that he has been through this week.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

We Voted

So, since Kelly will be about ready to pop by election day we voted early, and they gave Kelly three stickers so she stuck one on each side of her belly. So, all four of us went and voted early, which I was very grateful for because who really knows what our lives are going to be like in a couple of weeks.
Here are a couple of more pictures of Kelly and the babes at 34 weeks in the nursery. We are getting very excited. We are almost all set up for the arrival of our little ones.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Baby Showers

So here's some pictures of Kelly at her showers. The first pics are from her work shower.

This is Kelly with her co-worker Amber who is also pregnant. At this point Kelly was 28 weeks pregnant and her co-worker was 36 weeks pregnant, she of course is not having twins like Kelly.

This pic was at her other shower with her friends and people from our church. There were a lot of people there.
And they brought a lot of gifts, Praise God. It was such a blessing.
Here is a good belly shot of Kelly. This pic is from September 13, she was 29 weeks pregnant at the time.We got some great gifts. Thank you all, we are so grateful for all of our friends and family.

Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

SO today I started at Wooster High School. I was scheduled to start my internship at Dilworth Middle School, but on Friday, August 22 I was hired as a Paid intern at Wooster. So with only a day and a half to prepare I started school today. Things went very well. I am teaching three Algebra 1-2 classes and two Geometry 1-2 classes. Kelly made sure she took a picture of me before I went to school today. It had to be by a tree, but I guess if you have been to her grandparents' house you can appreciate that.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's official

Hey there everyone, we just wanted to give a little update as far as the pregnancy is concerned. Kelly is now in her 27 week, and she is doing amazing. We did find out for sure that we are having a boy and a girl. No we haven't picked out any names and no we aren't going to share what names we are thinking about, some things have to be a surprise. We have picked out our children's first shoes though. We went and got these right after we found out what we were having. All kids need their own Vans right?

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The baby bump

Here a a couple of pictures of Kelly's belly. One is of here at about 19 weeks, and the other one I took today when she got off of work today at 23 weeks. She is doing very well being pregnant.
She does have her days where she is tired, but I am so proud of her. She is a trooper, and we are getting closer, even though it does seem like it's still a ways away we know it will be here before we know it.

Summer Events

Kelly insisted on there being photos on this blog, so some of these might be a little old.

This is Kelly and I on a road trip with my parents in California. This was Kelly's first mother's day. We went to the Shenandoah Valley near Placerville. It was an eventful day since Kelly was 12 weeks pregnant. I never knew what a challenge traveling with a pregnant woman could be. They always need to eat and pee. We had a good time with my mom and Mark even though we did get a flat tire and Kelly did get a little moody toward the end because she started to get nauseas.
This wasn't our only road trip of the summer. We made our yearly trip to Pacific Grove, California for our family reunion at Asilomar. Here is Kelly at the beach in Asilomar showing off her belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy. It doesn't look like much but just wait, there's more to come.

Our new blog

We decided to create a blog to keep our friends and family up to date with our lives as they begin to change in extraordinary ways. We will try and keep it updated as often as possible with new information concerning Kelly and myself, as we as the babies to come. Thank you, and we love you.