Sunday, August 23, 2009

Random Pictures

Rachel sleeping on 8/20/09
Caleb with his six teeth

Rachel army crawling

Caleb cuddling with me after a feeding
Caleb and Rachel having fun turning on the stools

It was a cool day
Sleepy time

For the 4th of July we went out to the Barrons for a bbq and we got into their pool and Rachel and Caleb debut their new bathing suites. It was a very fun day

Back In Redwood City after Asilimar

The kids chillin in our hotel
Grampa feeding the kids lunch

The Biggins Fam went to the Japanese Tea Gardens in San Mateo

The Kids Snug in their bed for the night in the hotel


Our wonderful Rental Van-someday we will own one
The kids played in the playpen while us cousins played scum late into the night

The kids in their snow suites

nap time in the room

fun in the pool

fun at in and out burger on the way to asilomar

Our drive to asilomar

Random Pictures at the beginning of summer

The kids dressed up and unhappy
Caleb the gangster
Rachel with her dress on her head
A day of chilling on the couch