Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The baby bump

Here a a couple of pictures of Kelly's belly. One is of here at about 19 weeks, and the other one I took today when she got off of work today at 23 weeks. She is doing very well being pregnant.
She does have her days where she is tired, but I am so proud of her. She is a trooper, and we are getting closer, even though it does seem like it's still a ways away we know it will be here before we know it.

Summer Events

Kelly insisted on there being photos on this blog, so some of these might be a little old.

This is Kelly and I on a road trip with my parents in California. This was Kelly's first mother's day. We went to the Shenandoah Valley near Placerville. It was an eventful day since Kelly was 12 weeks pregnant. I never knew what a challenge traveling with a pregnant woman could be. They always need to eat and pee. We had a good time with my mom and Mark even though we did get a flat tire and Kelly did get a little moody toward the end because she started to get nauseas.
This wasn't our only road trip of the summer. We made our yearly trip to Pacific Grove, California for our family reunion at Asilomar. Here is Kelly at the beach in Asilomar showing off her belly at 15 weeks of pregnancy. It doesn't look like much but just wait, there's more to come.

Our new blog

We decided to create a blog to keep our friends and family up to date with our lives as they begin to change in extraordinary ways. We will try and keep it updated as often as possible with new information concerning Kelly and myself, as we as the babies to come. Thank you, and we love you.